Coming up! Dev’s Survival Mode for API Strategy on 5th of February
First question: Is API Strategy just some management jargon, or is it something I as a dev or architect should really care about? What you should actually do when your company decides to build APIs? Where to start? What to look for? Is it piece of cake or running in the mud?
* Asko Seeba from Tarto, Estonia will get us up to speed on Estonian developments
* Marjukka Niinioja from Osaango will facilitate group discussions and a small workshop on the agenda
APIOps is about automation of any step of API design, development, onboarding, security or management. APIOps is DevOps updated to API economy. APIOps Tampere is part of APIOps Global Network for APIOps, a new breed of DevOps to support lean, business-oriented and developer friendly APIs. Tales from the trenches and questions from the newbies are welcome. If you’d like to speak, sponsor or offer space for this meetup contact the organizers. This meetup is organized by Marjukka Niinioja from Osaango and Kati Velling from Netbox. Sign up here.
Learn more about APIOps community at and the creative commons method.
Join us in APIDays Finland conference.